Owned and operated by Brien and Emily Davis, and sustained by a group of passionate and dedicated crew members.
How We Got Here

We bought the orchard in 2001, moving from Central Maine where we had worked and raised our two sons for fifteen years. We were idealistic; we believed agriculture mattered, and we still do. We saw the orchard as an opportunity to carry on a tradition, to make a commitment to meaningful work outdoors, and to bring the best of our mental and physical abilities to the project. It is very interesting, there is so much to learn, and it has been well worth our energy. The orchard has connected us to the community in which we live, and we are continually reminded of how much folks value the orchard as a presence in Hope.
Brien’s Take

I’m just the keeper of the apples. This orchard was planted before we came and when we are gone someone else will carry on. My Grandfather was a farmer and I grew up thinking I would have farming in my life. This is it!
At first, I just wanted to learn how to grow apples. After a time I figured out what needed to be done and when. Now, I’m more interested in making the farm look beautiful. I couldn’t have run this farm alone all these years. It goes without saying that Emily is as involved in the orchard as me. Just show up on a Saturday morning in September and see who is cracking the whip and getting the stand looking great. Also, I have been blessed to work with Gene DiLorenzo for 14 of the past 16 seasons. He’s the farm artist, landscaper and humorist.
Emily’s Take

Developing the orchard into a viable business has channeled my creative energy and challenged me in wonderful ways. Living here has provided me with a first hand opportunity to walk my talk: to be a lifelong learner. Sometimes when I share what I know about apples, I surprise myself- that’s experiential learning at it’s best!
I like this place. I have found that the orchard gives me more energy than it takes. It allows me to work with the natural cycle of the seasons and that keeps me grounded. Besides, what’s not to love about a fresh apple?! I really enjoy sharing this simple, delicious, and nutritious food with other people. I am fortunate to balance my orchard work with employment as a school counselor at Troy Howard Middle School, in Belfast, as well as trip leading as a Maine Guide and volunteer with the Appalachian Mountain Club.
Meet The Crew

We are amazed and delighted by how our team seems to come to us, and are forever grateful for how long they stay and for the passion they bring to our orchard. They are a dedicated, silly, and quirky bunch. Ask them anything, anytime…except at 3pm when chai tea break is served!

